Sex lessons

"At just 28 years old, Eric Faustino has just been promoted to full professor of sex at the Lycée François Sagat in Viryl-le-Jeune. He is more particularly in charge of the gay section of a new and very special educational program... His mission: to train the young people who are entrusted to him in the enjoyment of the body as well as in the liberation of the spirit [...]"

128 pages in 13,5…

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    "Her assets: the patience of an angel and a teaching tool that can be seen even from the back of the classroom. It's no surprise that his students want more!"

    "With a delightful nerve, Laurent Genépy stages in a very personal way the old fantasy of the teacher initiating his students.", Sébastien Rovère, Homopress

    "No kidding, I had never read such a book! The sex scenes are so hallucinatory, so precisely described, so fantastical that one comes out of it as if from a hyper-realistic erotic dream", Yves Santamaria, Gayfriendmag

    "I rediscovered with this novel the pleasure of reading porn. Because, whatever one says, video always makes us voyeurs, whereas reading makes us actors of the scenes we read, even the craziest ones. Imparable", Sylvain Jaine, Malegayzine

    "In the not always very well frequented genre of the masturbatory novel, no doubt that that of Laurent Genépy will make date. One laughs almost as much as one gets a hard-on, a feat!"

    "A must in terms of literary porn."

    "This unpretentious little book is full of inventions and finds, each more delirious than the last

    "Totally immersive. Truly enjoyable!"

    "A porn novel that allows itself to be funny, it's not so common. Not to be missed!"

    Customer reviews with eKomi (2)

    also super exciting and sexy as hell

    Unrealistic book - pity

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    Weight: 164 gr

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